Friday, November 8, 2013

"The Rest"????

What's "The Rest," and who's the Us?.........It's simply that......."the rest," of, to and for......those of us who feel.........done.

It does not matter....

Who we are

How Old we are

Where we are on our Journey

Where we are from

Where we are or want to go

How little we have ......or how much

OR a great many other codicils

We are done and that's it......Done is different for all of us.........But, done is still......done. 

There is a place where we can find the "rest," we need. A place where we can breathe........It may be different for each of us but we can find the way there. We can find our way home.......To the place which renews us, gives us back our purpose, our individuality, our dignity and our strength....

There are steps on this new Journey. They aren't arduous, but they challenge us and often when we least expect them too......Usually they are very simple and that is what makes them challenging....We live in a world and a culture where simple is suspect......There are more than The 12 Steps....The number of steps vary according to each of us.......This is not a recipe. There is no single recipe for everyone along any journey. That is a myth.

So, here is what I have learned and am continuing to learn.....

The First lesson on this road is that "Life, truly" Things simply happen..... to all of us........No one is to blame when things don't go exactly as planned............The best Bridal Planner can't prevent it from raining on your Wedding Day..........My Honeymoon........ a Hurricane while we were on an island in the Atlantic........Surprisingly, we chose to make it an adventure. 

The Second.......Everything changes......There is no constancy in this world of ours....Things go up and then they come down.....I'm not saying that we like it. It's just that way.......Learning to go with this is the hard part.......I'm writing my first blog page ever........It isn't going to be perfect........The blog can get better....or worse.......We'll see. I'm hoping for better.

Third. It doesn't matter who you much money you have, much power you seem to have........You do not have control of your life.....We want to be in control.....It makes us feel safe.......There are other ways of feeling safe.......We can find them.....They are real......and when we find them, we rest..........


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